Carlos G. Samaniego
Agricultural engineer (National Agrarian University,Peru), MA & PhD (University of Manchester, UK), former university professor and UN Advisor. Passionate in emphasizing the excellent nutritional quality of ancestral organic products. He loves all the peruvian biodiversity.

Gino Samaniego
Mining Engineer at UNMSM and MBA at Centrum PUCP. He is in charge of the financial area and administration of the company. His favorite product is yacon sweetened Cacao Nibs.

Jean Pritchard de Samaniego
Biologist (King’s College, University of London, UK). From the beginning, key member for the growth of the company. She loves lucuma!

Fernando Ponce
Demographer and Historian. PhD (University of Texas, USA), former university professor and UN Advisor. Enthusiastic on achieving the best for the company since its beginning. His favorite superfood is maca.
Time Line
Ethical line
Ecoandino makes available to its collaborators, suppliers and customers, the communication service of the ethical line so that they can safely report on issues and events that go against the safe, ethical, transparent and productive corporate environment.
This is a channel in which the independence, confidentiality and anonymity of the people who decide to use it are guaranteed. You can use our ethical line through any of these channels:

Personal interview
If you wish to be personally attended by professionals of the independent professional company, contact:
Los Tapicero 117 Ate, Lima – Peru
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. at 6:00 p.m. or outside of this schedule by appointment. Calling to +51 282 3736
Mail: info@ecoandino.com

You can send an email to the following address: lineaetica@ecoandino.com

Telephone line
You can contact a professional directly from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. at 6:00 p.m. to the next number:
+51 282 3736

Postal Address
If you wish to physically provide copies of the information, send it to the following address at any time:
Los Tapiceros 117 Ate, Lima – Peru
Attention: Eco. Lilia Romero