
Chenopodium quinoa

Quinoa an Andean food consumed since prehispanic cultures, certified by the FAO and recommended by NASA as a complete food for its high nutritional content.

Ecoandino’s quinoa products have a high quality. We have many presentations such as quinoa powder, quinoa grains, quinoa gelatinized powder, quinoa precooked grains. Everybody loves Ecoandino’s quinoa! You can make lots of delicious recipes with this high quality product.


This magnicent superfood is well known for its macronutrients, essential aminoacids and rich carbohydrates. It also has a high micronutrient content including Omega 3 and 6; minerals, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc; and vitamins, B complex and vitamin E.

How to Use

Quinoa is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods on the planet and you can easily prepare plenty of dishes such as soups, salads and also desserts like cookies and cakes. This superfood is one of the favorites for making breads and cereal bars.


Blend into smoothies


Stir into salads


Prepare soups

Peruvian Resource

We obtain our organic quinoa from our small associate farmers in Pampas – Huancavelica (2600 masl) and Huanta – Ayacucho (3200 masl), Peru. We also have specialized associate farmers in Puno – Puno, Peru. Farmers harvest the crop under the organic production system.


